
Meet SA Woman Member, Jaynie D Morris.

Business/Organisation: TransformingNOWTogether
Job Role: Founder

Tell us a bit about you:

I am a passionate woman over 50 who discovered many years ago that, once having reached that age the very real aspect of ‘being invisible’ on many levels was in play! This discovery fuelled my already ‘life passion’ to make a difference wherever I could and drives who and what I do today.

I am an Wholistic Life Coach, Author, Entrepreneur, Media Commentator and Transformational Speaker/Trainer.

Along with being Mother to 2 Adult sons and ecstatically in love Grandmother of 2, I am protective of my inner circle of girlfriends who contribute to life adventures.

I love all things health, wellbeing and fitness and am qualified in the areas of Classical Yoga Instructor, Naturopath and am a Master NLP & TimeLine Therapist.

Travel is in my blood and I grab any opportunity to do so.

I am both a health survivor (having been given only 2 months to live in 2012) and a domestic violence survivor (having fled in 2021).

I have travelled the world for my career of over 30 years having been CEO of 2 International Health Companies (based in both Australia and USA), Vice President of Marketing & Media USA for another and countless opportunities in between.  I have had the great fortune of having been (and continue to be) a Key Note Speaker and on the International Speaking Circuit, having shared the stage with incredible people including my very dear and close companion for over 18 years – Mr Jim Rohn.

Tell us a bit about your business or organisation/role:
TransformingNOWTogether has evolved from my original company – SheroesUnlimted – and now is an online space providing primarily Podcasts sharing the personal stories of inspiring individual from around the world. TNT also offers personal development training programmes both 1:1 and corporate upon request. At the time of writing this, TNT is currently going through a business merger with Soul Sentre – a beautiful organisation which offers yoga, meditation, hikes, retreats and will add in wholistic mindset coaching.

What region of South Australia are you in?:

How can you best contact you:

Phone Number: 0449 886 788

Work Address: Suite 834, 166 Tynte Street, North
Adelaide SA 5006

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayniemorris/

Website: www.jayniemorris.com www.soulsentre.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JaynieDMorrisTransformingNOWTogether/

Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/jayniemorris/

Let’s get to know you a little more:

What has been a lesson you learnt in your career or business that has stayed with you?
One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that it is important to ‘plan to fail’ first. Map out what that looks like…and then use that as your ‘solution to success’ pathway.

What is your favourite place in South Australia to visit?

Why is being part of SA Woman important to you?
Being a part of SA Woman provides the opportunity to connect, share, inspire, be inspired and grow with women on a supportive and fun level.

What is a quote or mantra you live by?
‘This Time Next Year….’