Employsure is Australia’s leading workplace relations provider Our aim is to help every business access quality advice on Workplace Relations and WHS. We are focussed on small to medium sized businesses, which are the backbone of the Australian economy.
I am the local Adelaide Business Development Manager and based in the Western Suburbs, but I travel far and wide in the State to assist any client that needs our help.
During my professional career I have consulted business of all sizes, I have spent time connecting on the highs and lows of the business journey, the strength and resilience it takes to make it. I grew up in a small family business that had many years celebrating successes and times so challenging it was hard to know what the next move was.
As I progressed my career into corporate settings It was clear that the consistent business success story came from great people and the challenges for business owners was also often people management and the incredible efforts to stay ahead of forever changing workplace obligations. This is what attracted me to Employsure.
From my experience the foundations established in business were key to remaining in control and allowed the focus to work on business goals.
It is a pleasure to be working for Employsure. Helping small businesses with HR and WHS, whether that be starting out, or assisting established business with the value of outsourcing to a specialist.
Get in touch with Hannah:
Facebook: Employsure
Instagram: @employsure
LinkedIn: Hannah Lea
Website: www.employsure.com.au/