
The Stretton Centre is a regional hub where entrepreneurs, industry, government, creatives and thinkers come together to create positive economic and social outcomes for northern Adelaide. This is achieved through collaboration, innovation, economic development, advocacy, research, workforce training and development.

// What do you love most about being in business?

Although I work for a large organisation, I am fortunate to work with a wide range of businesses on a daily basis (plus, my husband owns a business so I get to experience the highs and lows of owning a business). I genuinely love working with businesses to upskill, connect and generate opportunities to grow. They say knowledge is power, but connecting with likeminded businesses can be extremely rewarding.

// Who is someone you look up to?

I am a huge believer in women supporting women and am lucky enough to be surrounded by a number of amazing women.

// What are you most proud of?

I am proud of the way we were able to quickly transition our face-to-face training and events to online as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions. We were able to be responsive to our business community when they needed us the most.

// Let’s talk South Australia, What do you love most about doing business here? Do you have a fave place to spend summer/go to for coffee/ go to to relax/ go to for food?

Each Christmas we love taking our kids over to the York Peninsula to explore, go fishing/crabbing and relax.

// What advice would you give other women wanting to start a business?

Just do it! Taking the initial leap will be one of the hardest parts, but if you’re working on something you’re passionate about the pros will far outweigh the cons. There are so many fabulous resources out there that businesses can tap into, to assist with starting up a business so you will never be alone.




Get in touch with Emma:

Facebook: Stretton Centre

Instagram: @strettoncentre

LinkedInEmma Werner

Website: www.strettoncentre.com.au