
 “We would like to terminate your employment – effective immediately”

No one wants to hear those words, however as soon as those words “Effective Immediately” came out of my managers mouth, a feeling of relief flooded through me. You see, I had spent the better half of the last 3 months, mindlessly going through the motions of a job that I loathed and surrounded by people that fed my negative mindset.

Earlier that day, on my drive into that crappy part time job that I took after spending a good 18 months on maternity leave, a feeling of desperation and anger came over me – my mind was repeating over and over “just quit, just quit, just quit”. I was tired of trying to control everything – So there was only one thing left I could do…I surrendered and demanded help “C’mon Universe!! Give me a way out, give me some time to work out what I want to do – Help me!!” 

Within seconds, I had a sense of relief and without me knowing just how quickly the universe works – my path had changed direction and within mere hours she had pushed me off a cliff and told me to fly.

The Universe – she is not to be messed with, if you ignore her whispers she just keeps yelling louder and louder, until you can’t ignore her anymore and in hindsight, I wish I took time to listen a little earlier. I now look back at all the roles and jobs I have come into and how often they end in the same way – usually with me being angry and frustrated. The same message was always trying to get through to me.

In each position I had, internally, I always felt pushed down, igonored or placed at a desk which I couldn’t move from. I often grew negative about not being given the chance to lead or speak up. I knew in myself, I had the potential to do so many great things, but no one wanted to utilise me to my full potential – in fact one of my managers simply said “I don’t know what to do with you”. I felt my wings were simply bound behind my back and I was forcing myself to stay in jobs, that weren’t allowing me to flourish and grow.

The universe gave me the ultimate push that day and has given me the wonderful gift of self discovery. All those crappy jobs I had in the past were all leading me to this point and I can without hesitation say that the last 18 months have been a wonderful journey with my business The Modern Event Planner.

The Universe has always provided me with the right connections at the right time. I have never felt more aligned with my true self, never felt more at joy with my work and never felt so confident in my own abilities. My wings are no longer tied and bound, they are fluffed and feathered and ready to take me where I need to go.

So go make the leap, what’s the best that will happen?

Anita Martin is the founder of The Modern Event Planner. An Adelaide based Event Planning Company, with over a decade in the Events Industry, she knows how time consuming managing a meeting, conference, wedding or social function can be. The queen of coming up with solutions for any event challenge, she is THE person you want on your team for your next big event.