


The SA Woman team all work part time on our community, while also running other businesses and juggling family life.

Carly Thompson-Barry
Founder & Head of All the Things. 
Contact for all the things to help you with your membership, events, awards, fb group questions, directory listing, website, mentoring, support and connection opportunities.

Contact Number: 0493 139 540 ***NEW NUMBER***

Email: carly@sawoman.com.au

Contact Hours: 9-3, Monday to Friday – Email responses on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Responses out of these hours may happen sometimes, but are not guaranteed. Emails can take me time to reply to, so for a quicker reply please message the SA Woman Australia facebook page.


Jess McEachen

Head of Showcasing

Contact for all blogs, business spotlight and social media.
Email: jess@sawoman.com.au
Contact Hours: 9am-3pm, Mondays and Thursdays.

Her Business: 

Jess McEachen Copywriting

Belinda Rigney
Head of Accounts
Contact for all questions related to membership payment.
Email: accounts@sawoman.com.au
Contact Hours: Thursdays – Please be mindful of this. Please direct any urgent membership questions to Carly.

Her Business: 

Complete Admin & Bookkeeping

Emma Fabbro

Accounting Partner (and Door Queen!)

Her Business: 

Fusion Accountants
Contact if you are in need of an accountant for your biz, and say hi when she greets you at some of our SAW events 😊