
At our 2023 SA Woman Summit, we had the joy of listening to a panel conversation focused on inclusivity, facilitated by Sunita Miranda, from Cornerstone Alliance. At the time of our event, Sunita had just launched a social enterprise dedicated to making communications accessible and inclusive to everybody – easyread.tech.

This inclusivity includes written materials that are in easy to understand words and a suite of illustrations that depict a varied range of people completing activities – perfect for large organisations to use in their public messaging and internal communications.

We heard from the team at easyread.tech to learn more about their mission and how they are setting out to make communications accessible to all. PLUS, how you can make simple changes and adjustments to your own communications to be truly inclusive.

In November 2023, easyread.tech launched at the INC Café in Brighton, joined by a circle of close friends from the community and disability sector, government associates and business partners.

Easyread.tech is a South-Australian accessible information and communications agency that provides comprehensive translation services for converting complex information into Easy Read and Plain English resources, along with a library of illustrations specifically designed for use in Easy Read resources. The illustrations are original artworks attributable to a team of local designers, and these are available at a low-cost model for purchase so organisations can build their accessible resources themselves, should they choose to do so.

In the short time that easyread.tech has been launched, they have worked with organisations such as the City of Salisbury, the Town of Walkerville and the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) to deliver accessible resources for the community.

Easyread.tech was founded by SAWer Sunita Miranda, who noticed a gap in the market when it came to the creation of contextualised, well-designed accessible resources.

Easyread.tech is dedicated to building a culture where accessibility and inclusivity for people with cognitive disabilities or low English literacy is a necessity for organisations, big or small, and where organisations are empowered and informed to do so.

The easyread.tech team has years of experience in design, marketing and communications for organisations in the disability, human services or multicultural sector, and understands the importance of inclusive communications, far beyond the extent of being performative or simply ticking boxes. easyread.tech is also on its journey to becoming a social enterprise, demonstrating a commitment to give back to the sector and contribute positively to its mission and purpose.

easyread.tech have a suite of incredible blog posts and resources that take you through the importance of inclusion in your communications, the difference between accessability and inclusion, and a “sit-down” with members of the easyread.tech team to better understand their role and what easyread-tech is doing in the community.

If you would like to know more, or if you would like to book a presentation visit https://easyread.tech or connect with the team at support@easyread.tech.

Get in touch with Sunita

Sunita is the Founder at easyeread.tech and Director at Cornerstone Alliance.

I’m a passionate supporter of authentic inclusion and diversity through communications, marketing and engagement (not just the policy-driven, check-the-box kind). I specialise in disability communications, multicultural communications, and engagement through participatory and contributory involvement of community members.

I own a creative agency that works at the highest level with national peak bodies in Canberra, supporting both people with disabilities, and people from ethnic and multicultural backgrounds access communications and messaging in a cultural appropriate and inclusive way.

Website: easyread,tech
Facebook: easyread.tech
Instagram: @easyread.tech
LinkedIn: easyread.tech

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