Helen Edwards – Helen Edwards Writes
Dr Helen Edwards is an Adelaide-based children’s author and speaker who weaves diverse stories of nature, magic and history. Helen’s debut middle-grade novel, The Rebels of Mount Buffalo, was published in October 2023, by the award-winning Riveted Press, distributed by Simon and Schuster. Inspired by real-life mountain guide and early feminist Guide Alice Manfield, it’s a captivating time-slip tale in which a girl lost to grief meets a daring rebel on a misty mountain who guides her to rediscover her courage and find her way home. In Feb 2024, The Rebels of Mount Buffalo was longlisted in the DANZ Chil-dren’s Book Award for books which feature diversity in all forms. In June 2024, it was shortlisted in the Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards.
Helen’s second novel, Legend of the Lighthouse Moon, was published on 2nd October 2024 by Riveted Press. Rich with folklore and brimming with ad-venture, Legend of the Lighthouse Moon is a dazzling tale of family, resilience, and the enduring magic of the sea. Join Mona McKenna on a journey of self-discovery where the whispers of the past guide her towards a future filled with hope, love, and legends brought to life. Set on Kangaroo Island in 1970, with a main character living with type 1 diabetes, it features the history of the Cape Willoughby lighthouse and the endangered sea lion colony, as well as drawing on legends from the islands where Helen’s grandmothers were born in the Irish Sea.
Helen’s third novel, On Gallant Wings will release in April 2025 with Rivet-ed Press. It’s a sweeping WWII adventure about family, courage and knowing when to break the rules, that shines a light on many little-known aspects of the war’s impact on Australians at home. Her fourth, The Disappearing Cir-cus, co-written with Award-winning author Kate Gordon, will release on 30th July 2025. It’s a magical tale about grief, finding your place in the world and becoming the hero of your own story—to bravely fight against the dying of hope, to always hold on to wonder, and to never disappear.
Helen has a PhD in Psychology and a long background working in mental health. She writes stories that reduce stereotypes and increase understand-ing of diversity, including characters who live with chronic illness, mental ill-ness, and/or who are neurodivergent. These are not the focus of the story, but rather, the characters simply live with these things, and are the heroes—having adventures, living their lives and solving problems, big and small. Hel-en has lived with type 1 diabetes herself since 1979. She also lives with anxie-ty and ADHD, both diagnosed in adulthood, as well as a number of other chronic conditions. In her author talks, Helen shares her personal experienc-es with living with chronic illness and neurodiversity, which resonates with students and opens up conversations. In 2001, she founded an award-winning online counselling service for people with diabetes, which she ran for 16 years. Over 90,000 people follow her across social media, where her plat-forms inspire action for people and planet, with kindness and hope, focusing on our children’s future.
Helen has been shortlisted in and won a number of awards, including be-ing one of two mid-career SA Literary Fellows in 2025, supported by Writers SA and the State Library of South Australia. She was also shortlisted in this Fellowship in 2024. Of note, Helen was a State Finalist for Australian of the Year for her work in diabetes. She was winner of the ZestFest writing competition, and a special mention in the inaugural Writers’ SA Deep Creek Fellow-ship. Helen is an experienced speaker and has presented talks and workshops locally and internationally across a wide range of topics. She has a number of author talks and workshops prepared but is flexible in her approach and top-ics. These include talking about how she became a writer, how she comes up with ideas for books, and how she weaves together nature, magic and history. She has a rich range of historical artefacts and props related to her first three novels and the students always love these. In her author talks, she works with the group to create the outline for their own historical magical story, which are often hilarious and always wonderful!
Helen has a Working with Children Check in SA and a Blue Card in QLD. She is a member of Writers’ Vic, Writers’ SA, Qld Writers Centre, ASA, CBCA and SCBWI. She is on the SA committee for the CBCA. She is part of the Author Pen Pals initiative and a Role Model with Books in Homes. She is passionate about inspiring action for our beautiful, fragile planet and nature features in all her books. She finds history fascinating and uncovers stories that may have been forgotten, or hidden, and brings them into the light. If you’re looking for a children’s author who speaks from the heart, who laughs loud and loves deep, who is passionate about people and planet, and who understands we come in a glorious rainbow of human beings, Helen is your person. See more about Helen at her website www.helenedwardswrites.com and follow her across social media @drhelenedwardswrites
Helen has recently launched The Author Fairy – a social media marketing and grant writing consultancy for authors.