
I feel like we said this in 2020, but 2021 was still a bit of a doozie, wasn’t it? Restrictions, border closures, and that looming air of uncertainty that hung about across the year. In some ways, we seemed to enjoy more ‘freedom’ than other states, yet businesses here were still impacted – more heavily than others depending on the sector. Then business heartbreak hit yet again late in the year when borders reopened and the ripple effects of cases, quarantine & iso started to flow out. 

So, while we can’t stop the plot twists from coming – particularly in the midst of a pandemic – what are some ways we can ride the rollercoaster of being a business owner?

We asked the SA Woman community to share their top tips, strategies & tools on how to pull yourself back up from a low point or challenging moment. The answers flowed in from our pub owners, photographers, accountants, retailers, jewellery makers, mindset coaches, lawyers, florists, social media managers, naturopaths and more.

#1 Change is Constant

Remember that change is constant, that means that the low that you are in can’t stay that way because change is inevitable.

Build the happy bubble and don’t give permission to people to burst it.

I do the things that help me to feel like I am in control of my life and my environment.

I exercise, eat good food, listen to the music or videos I know give me a lift and I book lunch with someone whose company I enjoy who I know will help me remember why I do what I do.

~ Simone Douglas – The Duke of Brunswick, Social Media AOK, BNI Adelaide North

#2 Build Yourself Up

3 tips to change that inner voice, to build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.

1. Step back from what you’re doing and gain some clarity, grab a coffee or tea, get outside, breathe some fresh air or move your body. These things all help move the positive hormones in your body and move cortisol out!

2. Read some positive reviews about what you do! Post them to social media, read them out loud, send a reply to one of your positive feedback clients!

3. Write a list of all of the things you have achieved for your business or personal over time! reminding yourself of these when “this is too hard” comes up.

Changing the word CANT into CAN, will have the most profound impact on your mindset!

I can’t do this…I can do this, just at bite sized pieces at a time!

Change one word and wait to watch the difference unfold in your life and business!

~ Lydia Kalleske – For ABEL Photography

#3 Upgrade & Elevate

Mindset upgrades are crucial at every stage of business. Take time to internally adjust to who you are becoming. Let it shift, and elevate.

Be aware that resistance, both internal and external, are part of the process.

Don’t share your big ideas until they are absolutely anchored in your soul, that’s how you begin to build rock solid belief in yourself.

#4 Reassess & Let it Rip!

I’m a ‘when something isn’t quite feeling right’, I reassess everything and do it all at once. Like a complete nutter. Always take on the biggest challenge, even it seems insurmountable.

It’s amazing what we can achieve when it’s something we know we need to fight for, and are passionate about.

Support can often come from the most unexpected of places, so never be afraid to speak your story. Real human connection is where we properly thrive, learn, and grow. Plus, we’re all in this sh*tshow together.

~ Lisa Henson – Love for Lobes

#5 Be Proud of How Far You’ve Come

I take some time to write down all my business achievements (from day dot). All the things that I am proud of and what I love about my business.

I think it’s easy to get down when things don’t go according to plan. But it always works out in the end. It’s great to focus on the positives when you’re feeling down or feel like you have hit a wall.

~ Nikki Munn – Luxah Gifts & Homewares

#6 Find New Inspiration & Guidance

I use a tool – a free ebook library.
>> sapln.overdrive.com/

You just need a library card with a participating SA library to have access to thousands of FREE ebooks and audiobooks.

I always have motivating business books out on loan so that I can jump in when I’m experiencing the rollercoaster and the wisdom and perspective really helps.

“Everything Is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo was a recent gem when things were challenging.

~ Melissa Gibson – The Right Outlook

#7 Refocus on your High Vision

When I’ve hit a low point it’s usually because things aren’t going as I planned. I take myself out of the nitty gritty details and refocus on my high vision. The high vision is beyond my ‘why.’ It’s the way I’m being of service to others. This gets me out of my head and into my heart.

~ Shawna Barber – Sacred Centre with Shawna Barber

#8 Phone a Friend

When I have a stressful moment or challenge in business I connect with my business coach who helps me to work through the issue, see the positives and learnings, and helps me to figure out my next step.

~ Joelle Hentschke – Joelle Hentschke Professional Counsellor

#9 100% Success Rate

Remind yourself you have 100% success rate of surviving every challenge up to now.

Decide you can choose how you feel regardless. Ask yourself ‘How do I want to feel right now?’

~ Toni Everard – Toni Everard Coaching

#10 The Rainbow After the Storm

I remind myself that often after the challenging times we rise higher, become better, see more success. It’s all a journey.

~ Edriana King – Enlightened Birth and Beyond

#11 Have a Plan

Plan for the ups and downs. Have strategies for when they hit (and they will!) Celebrate the ups with family and friends. Have a network ( SA Woman Australia!) to lean on when your mental strength is tested. Plan for the financial ups and downs by having a CASH RESERVE put aside to be used for these purposes. Spend quiet times reflecting and planning and when work is busy be grateful for that.

~ Emma Fabbro from Fusion Accountants

#12 Check Back In

When I hit a low, I check to see that I’ve not moved away from my core values, check in with my friends in my arena, and get myself back in touch with why I’m doing it all.

~ Kara Lambert – karalambert.com

#13 Get Back on Track

I reach out to my business friends and mentors who are always there to lift me up and get my attitude back on track. Get support from others and have fun!!!

~ Marianne Roberts – Whole Vitality Healthcare

#14 Hold your Vision

Feeling challenged gives me the realization that I need more than ever to revisit my belief of vision… that my vision for the future is why I’m working long days and feel so overwhelmed.

The reason I started this journey in the first place was to feel and be challenged.

And let’s be honest ‘nothing easy is good and nothing good comes easy’.

~ Petta Day – Enhance Skin Cosmetic Clinic

#15 Make Space

Create some space for yourself. We get so deep into our businesses that we lose ourselves. Remind yourself that you’re way more than your business, get out, have a walk, gain some perspective and breathe!

~ Carrie Taylor – Health for Keeps

#16 Keep On Keeping On.

I stay in my lane, keep showing up, reach out to those in my arena, read a good book and read my client testimonies 

~ Jo Speirs – Nurturing Words

#17 Simply…

Cry, recharge, then goooo!

~ Emily Ellis – Project E Creative 

#18 Remember Your Why

Hug my child, to remind myself why I’m doing it and who it’s for: my family, my people.

~ Meg Mac – Kin Lawyers Pty Ltd

#19 Take Care of You

Having a small self care ritual using aromatherapy and essential oils for emotional support and to help you get back on track ❤️

~ Carin Pole – Aroma C

#20 Google it!

It may sound silly to some, but sometimes Googling your problem at hand can actually help!

At times felt and actually been really stuck, and unable to make sense of things among the stress and confusion that comes from burnout.

Recently I have learnt that turning to search engines to ask questions can often lead to unexpected but useful information to help with the problem!

A lot of people say not to use “Dr Google”, but if you’re feeling stuck it can be a wealth of information, and often when we are stressed out about something it hits us late at night and reading about related issues online can really help.

~ Hayley Ball – Little Boho Flower Co

#21 Fear vs Love

There are actually only two emotions ultimately: fear and love.

If I’m challenged it’s because I’m staying in my fear zone instead of moving into my love zone. Ultimately I get to choose which zone I operate in.

I don’t believe in failure, so when a challenge hits, no matter how difficult, I write a note in my diary three months from today, to remind me of the challenge and to ask myself what I learned from it?

Doing that has regularly helped me to see that every test is a testimony, every mess a message, every obstacle an opportunity. Inwardly we can only see so much but down the track we can often be reminded of why we needed the lesson.

~ Danielle Arkit – Social Media Supermum

#22 Lean On Me…

Lean on those around you, take time to review and find your passion again!

~ Georgina Turelli – G-Vitalize Health & Fitness

#23 Focus, Focus, Focus

Focus on your ideal client and know they need your support and business, keep focussing on your why and use it to fire your passion.

~ Carol Buchanan – Moveon Counselling

#24 You Do You

Why be anyone else when you can be you? …. don’t be who you’re not …. it’s not YOU.

~ Mascia Paradiso – Bridal Fusion by Mascia

#25 Help Someone Else

If I’m feeling a bit lost or disheartened I give someone else some of my time. I find this has a double benefit: It helps me step out of my own little funk for a while, and it reminds me why I’ve chosen to do this work. This was something my Dad taught me when I was a kid and he was right. It’s cheaper than therapy and less fattening than cake!

~ Em Hilder – Human Brands

#26 Go Along for the Ride

The business roller coaster holds the most wonderful sensations. We know stepping into that carriage at the beginning has the mix of nerves, anticipation, and excitement. Then we slowly take off hearing those click click click sounds, wishing for the end and yet we are strangely looking forward to that highest point, the drop, the loops, and twisting upside down. In many of the moments we want it to be over, and just as quickly, we can discover that we are loving it all.

So, what can we do?

Do what comes naturally…swear loudly, laugh without limit, hold on tight and then quickly let go to wave your arms in the air, cry honestly, blackout for a second, smile with grace as you realise you are throwing up and some got in your hair, and look wide eyed into the eyes of those around you on the same trip and connect for that whole moment, knowing you are safe.

In short, to be our best in business, notice our stories and when they hold us back from where we are going…write a different one.

~ Kathy Rast – kathyrast.com

#27 Tap, then Nap!

When I find myself low and confused about what I am meant to do next, I tap, then nap. I tap out all of the worse of the worse. I take a nap. Then I tap out what is the reality, what is true for me. Gets all the bad thoughts out of my head, stops catastrophic train of thought, reset and realign. Plus naps are awesome.

~ Joanne Hatchard – Better Being Me

#28 Don’t Forget to Ask for Help!

Try to remember your WHY – business is a roller-coaster and the ride can get very bumpy when you least expect it.

If it’s stressful or you’re feeling challenged don’t do it alone. Review the process and Renew You with a colleague that lifts your energy. Then face it and Action any necessary changes.

A business leader does never need to do it alone – Ask!

~ Gabriella Ingram – Spending Planners Adelaide

#29 Turn to Face It

It’s all part of stepping into the new. Every aspect is rich with learning opportunities if you choose not to run from them. Don’t let fear make your choices.

~ Shelley Murphy – Shelley Murphy Counselling, Psychotherapy & Clinical Hypnotherapy

#30 Get Clear, Then Act

When I am in overwhelm I go straight to the Principles of Success.

#1 is Clarity – get clear on your outcome. I ask myself “what is it I want to achieve or make happen” (and you can go one step further and ask yourself, “for what purpose or what is my intention in doing this” – because it is this which is usually more important, and connects with purpose and why).

#2 Take action – if you don’t know what action to take, or how, find a way. Ask someone who has, reach out to your coach, or drop a post in SA Woman Members Community – the most awesome place for ideas, advice, support and love.

~ Vasso Fessas – The Connected Leadership Co.

How about you? How do you overcome the obstacles in your business life & ride the rollercoaster?