
I have two small businesses and I’m currently studying and looking after my three teenage sons. You could say that I’m fully booked! My passion is formulating new skincare products using organic formulating principles with cosmeceuticals, and then testing my creations on myself and my family, including my sons!

I started my first business five years ago with my fabulous cousin Megan Potter, and what started as a small mineral makeup business has grown and changed into a small manufacturing organic skincare business. The makeup and a few other non-organic products now resides within a second business called Romance Minerals.

In June 2023 I hope to achieve two milestones – completing my qualifications to become a Cosmetic Chemist, and turning 50!!

I recently passed my scuba diving ticket, which will allow me to go diving with my husband and kids. I really believe in getting involved with what my kids are into, even if I was really scared at the start of my first open water dive!

// What do you love most about being in business?
My main business allows me to blend science with creativity, and that is what I love the most – creating new skincare products for myself that hopefully others will love too.

// Why did you decide to go into business?
I decided to go into business to create a blend of work and family life that I just wasn’t getting in the private sector. Being your own boss might mean that you are always ‘on’ and accountable, however it also means I can walk my dog on the beach at 2pm if I want, and I can get to school pickup too.

// What led you to the career you are in?
After three years in business I realised that I had gaps in my skincare formulation knowledge and needed to return to study. This has been such a huge commitment returning to study, running two small businesses and doing all the things mums do! So as it turns out my career is changing due to opportunities the business has presented, and hopefully mid this year (2023) I will become a qualified cosmetic chemist.

// Lets talk South Australia, What do you love most about doing business here?
I love having a small business in SA, particularly Adelaide because the city has a ‘big country town’ feel. After moving from Brisbane I have experienced time and time again how the local community loves to support local businesses, and other small businesses are happy to help each other. I have a voice here whereas in Brisbane I felt we were too small to be heard.

// What advice would you give other women wanting to start a business?
Surround yourself with other women in business. There is a wealth of support and advice out there, and share your journey too as others will learn from you too.

// Mantra
When things don’t go to plan think of them as learnings, not failings. Success comes from failing many times, and having the grit to learn and keep moving forward.

Get in touch with Mandy:

Facebook: Megan Potter Cosmetics
Instagram: @meganpotter_cosmetics
Website: www.meganpotter.com.au

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