
I am a Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor and an Author. I started on my journey with this work in 2008 after leaving the corporate life and resolving never again to do anything that didn’t make my heart sing.

I wasn’t sure what it was that I wanted to do but I started by fulfilling a life long dream and attended University for the first time in my life in my fourties. I enjoyed it so much I continued on and completed my Masters of Counselling and Psychotherapy at Adelaide University.

It was during this time that I felt that my future direction was tied to helping women find their voice. This lead me to commence volunteering at a shelter for women experiencing homelessness. I so loved the experience and enjoyed the opportunity to check out the organisation from the inside I decided it was a place I would like to work. I applied for a role and was successful. The rest as they say is history.

My advice to women starting out in business is don’t let fear set your limits. I changed my career at a time of life where the experts were saying that I wouldn’t be re-employed, I was too old. Proved them wrong!

I have been blessed to have a husband in my life who supports my dreams and aspirations and who always answers me with a “why not?” when I say “do you think I could?”

My biggest hurdle has been learning to believe in myself and not compare myself to what I believe others in my field are achieving. I made the decision that if an opportunity opened up for me and the door was being held open by someone I admire, respect and aspire to be like and I was unsure I would trust their judgement and it has never let me down.

I love working for myself because my business has now expanded to include my husband and my daughter. What started out as a woman giving herself permission to follow her heart has expanded into a shared dream for my entire family.

For any woman wanting to start her business I say find your passion and follow your heart you will never go wrong. My mantra is “hope is not a strategy” I can’t find who to attribute the quote to but it is a great reminder that the dream is just the beginning what follows is planning, work, determination to succeed and most importantly finding your tribe. The support crew who will remind you when your energy is flagging of your long term goal.

The best advice I ever received was “Just be you”.