Starting in 2013, Synergy IQ is a consultancy firm that helps leaders to create world-class businesses where people feel safe, valued, inspired and fulfilled.
We do this by helping business leaders adopt new ways of working, through people, systems and process, enabling them to get the results they want.
We are passionate about what we do, and passionate about creating long lasting partnerships. Our clients see SynergyIQ as not only as a trusted advisor, but as a partner working with them to create great outcomes.
We are passionate about improving business operations, culture, customer experience, change programs and leadership.
What do you love most about being in business?
The ability to help a wide range of people and companies. We work with large companies like BHP and smaller Not for Profits like Meals on Wheels SA and everything in between.
// What were you doing prior to your business and why did you get started?
I was a Senior Manager in Local Government and prior to that I worked in Aged Care and UniSA. I felt that I’d reached the level of seniority and experience within the corporate world in SA. I wasn’t ready to leave the state but wanted a new challenge so starting my own business seemed like a good challenge and would allow me to help more businesses to create change.
// What are you most proud of?
Our team. Together we have built a successful consulting business and even through the downturn of COVID we have powered through together and are on a fast growth trajectory again. Our team epitomises our values – grit, optimism, daring and wisdom. I’m proud to work with them and see what they can achieve.
//What advice would you give other women wanting to start a business?
Have a clear picture in your mind about what you want to achieve for yourself, your business, your staff and your clients. Being clear about each of these helps you to take steps towards the future and make better decisions. Without clarity of the end game you’ll drift from one activity to another. That’s a good way to create a job for yourself, but not a good way to create a business. Also, and probably most importantly, have a coach or a therapist that you work with monthly (at least). Running a business takes a lot of emotional energy, resilience and decision making. As a leader its important you have someone that has your back and helps you process the tough stuff.
Do you have a fave place to spend summer/go to for coffee/ go to to relax/ go to for food?
You can’t beat Henley Square for a great breakfast in the summer. We take our dogs and have a delicious breaky and then head for a long walk on the beach. Bliss!
// Share with us a quote or mantra you live by…
“Everyone is doing the best they can, and when they know better they can do better.” Hybrid from Brené Brown and Maya Angelou, two of my idols.
Get in touch with Michelle:
Facebook: Synergy IQ
Instagram: @synergyiq
LinkedIn: Michelle Holland