
Meet SA Woman Member, Anna Beaumont.

Business/Organisation: Beaumont Solutions
Job Role: Director / Principal Consultant

Tell us a bit about you:

A senior health and safety professional and auditor. Anna has experience in various industries including mining, construction, state and local government, not-for-profit organisations, insurance, energy and worldwide automotive. Her passion is guiding businesses through their challenges by helping them understand their responsibilities and providing them with everything they need to ensure their approach is effective.

Tell us a bit about your business or organisation/role:

We are a work health and safety consultancy.

If you want to keep your team safe, we want to help you do it right. We offer:
– Auditing
– Training
– Management Systems
– Safety Partners (boots on ground!)

We are a heart-led team that drives compliance by bringing clarity and compassion to systems and their implementation.
We keep you legally compliant.

What region of South Australia are you in?:
Adelaide Hills

How can you best contact you:

Let’s get to know you a little more:

What has been a lesson you learnt in your career or business that has stayed with you?
Always remember, your business mission is the driving force behind everything you do. Though all businesses go through periods of opportunities and challenges, we must all stay true to our WHY and never let it take a backseat.

Remember, your purpose is what sets you apart and fuels your success. While money and connections may come and go, your mission remains the constant thread that ties everything together.

So let’s stay connected and forward-thinking, but most importantly, let’s remain steadfast in our mission.

What is your favourite place in South Australia to visit?
Home. I love the Adelaide Hills!

Why is being part of SA Woman important to you?
SAW is a platform that connects business owners. Being a solo business owner can be lonely and challenging at times. However, having a community to turn to for support, to ask questions, and to be inspired by the success of others can be a great source of motivation and fulfillment. It’s like having your cup filled up with positivity and encouragement!

What is a quote or mantra you live by?
faith, not fear.