
Meet SA Woman Member, Mandy Hawtin.

Business/Organisation: Seadragon Organic
Job Role: Founder/Cosmetic Chemist

Tell us a bit about you:

I am a creative person who finally found my passion five years ago when I discovered the beautiful blend of science and creativity. After returning to study in my late forties I qualified as a Cosmetic Chemist and have a passion for formulating organic skincare. I fell into this work while working with my cousin Megan Potter in our cosmetics business. I started to make a cleanser and facial oil for our makeup workshop attendees, and it was these two original skincare products that attracted a lot of attention, and lead my drive to learn more about making skincare.

I have three three teenage sons who are all taller than me and don’t seem to stop eating! My biggest supporter is my fabulous husband who has my back every step, whether upwards or downwards! I have spent most of my life in Adelaide however had a wonderfully warm 12-years in Queensland during my 30s. I have previously formulated skincare for the Megan Potter brand and Romance Minerals, and am now working on creating my own line of facial skincare products which I can’t wait to share with everyone.

I love taking time each morning to go for a walk or go to PT, then take some time to read before the ‘proper’ work begins.

Tell us a bit about your business or organisation/role:

I have previously formulated skincare for the Megan Potter brand and Romance Minerals, and am now working on creating my own line of facial skincare products which I can’t wait to share with everyone. Creating certified organic products takes time, and I hope to be ready to launch my new brand, Seadragon Organic in October/November 2024. The range will have two layers, one for skin clinics to use in an Organic Facial protocol, and a ‘shop front’ range for customers to purchase and take home.

What region of South Australia are you in?:
Adelaide West

How can you best contact you:

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mandy-hawtin-632b2141/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brentmandyhawtin

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seadragon_organic/

Let’s get to know you a little more:

What has been a lesson you learnt in your career or business that has stayed with you?
There is always a solution, and sometimes when things don’t go to plan or are unexpected, the most wonderful new opportunities emerge.

What is your favourite place in South Australia to visit?
Definitely Pt Elliot. My grandparents lived there when I was younger so I have many happy childhood memories of school holidays down at ‘Elliot’.

Why is being part of SA Woman important to you?
Sometimes being a small business owner can be tough, especially when you are primarily working on your own. Having a group of like minded women who can relate to what you are managing is beneficial not only for handy professional solutions, but also for moral support. The SA Women community has given me professional support but most importantly fun and friendship too.

What is a quote or mantra you live by?

When things don’t go to plan think of them as learnings, not failings. Success comes from failing many times, and having the grit to learn and keep moving forward.