
Meet SA Woman Member, Nicola Benson .

Business/Organisation: Beautifully Authentic
Job Role: Founder/ Formulator/ Creative

Tell us a bit about you:

I am an Environmental Scientist, Beauty Therapist and Mother, that decided to turn all her passions into a business by accident.

I am from Cornwall in the UK and moved to Australia in 2013 to live here in Adelaide with my husband. Since then, we’ve had 2 children, a dog and a cat, and absolutely love our life here.

I love reading, surfing, roller skating, bike riding, going on adventures, camping, exploring, and meeting new interesting people.

When I left school in 1998 I became a beauty therapist, and that’s when I first learnt about formulating skincare. Since then I’ve been making variously concoctions over the years, especially when I went to uni in my mid 20’s to study Environmental Scientist and discovered more about sustainability and the environmental impacts of the choices we make.

I found that it was only since I became a mother with a child with reactive eczema that I really created my award winning formulas, that have changed ours and many people’s lives.

Tell us a bit about your business or organisation/role:
My business began officially at the end of 2020, but I didn’t actually do anything significant with it until 2022, because of life, family and also not having a clue what I had to do to make a business successful.

Since 2022 I attended countless markets around SA and have a solid growing customer base I’m proud of. I am now making the move to be 100% online (with the odd market event here and there), so now I’m knee deep in learning all about marketing and everything that goes with it.

My brand is Beautifully Authentic – Luxurious Sustainable Clean Skincare For Sensitive Skin.

All packaging is plastic free and compostable, all ingredients are certified organic where absolutely possible, completely toxin and synthetic free, 100% natural (not many “natural” brands can claim that), 100% concentrated (which means no fillers, bulkers or anything that doesn’t benefit the skin such as water, emollients, emulsifiers, alcohols, etc) and completely vegan and cruelty free. All made by hand in small batches here in SA.

What region of South Australia are you in?:
Adelaide South

How can you best contact you:

Phone Number: 0451701134

LinkedIn Profile:Nicola Benson (nee Ashurst)

Website: Https://beautifullyauthentic.com.au

Facebook Page:www.facebook.com/beautifullyauthenticskincare

Instagram Page:@beautifullyauthenticskincare

Let’s get to know you a little more:

What has been a lesson you learnt in your career or business that has stayed with you?
That each mistake is a lesson, and we can either learn from it and grow, or do nothing and get nowhere. But the most important thing is to do something, even if you do make a mistake. Take action.

What is your favourite place in South Australia to visit?
This is too hard, because I love so many places, especially the beaches. kuitpo, the hills, the Fleurieu and Eyre Peninsulas, Kangaroo Island, etc. SA is truly magical.

Why is being part of SA Woman important to you?
I believe having a good network of women in various stages of business is crucial to learn from and to share with. Connection is everything!

What is a quote or mantra you live by?
What you give out to the world will come back to you two fold, so always give kindness, compassion and love.