
Meet SA Woman Member, Rosie Bartlett.

Business/Organisation: Mindseye Training and Consulting
Job Role: Founder/Principal Consultant

Tell us a bit about you:

Rosie Bartlett founded Mindseye Training and Consulting in 2015 with a mission to help workplaces support the mental wellbeing of their people.

Principal Master Mental Health First Aid Instructor with over 16 years’ experience training in Mental Health First Aid, suicide prevention, resilience training, and other mental health and drug and alcohol programs. Caring about outcomes and ensuring change within an organisation is sustainable – not just another ‘tick the box’ exercise. She believes if an organisation wants to build a healthy culture and be an employer of choice, they must invest in the mental fitness of their people. Equally important is to provide programs upskilling individuals, teams and managers to confidently handle mental health challenges as they arise.

With a background in health science, training and assessment, Rosie has a demonstrated history of working across Accounting and Professional Services, Acting and Modelling, Active Communities and Mental Health, Building and Construction, Community Services, Defence, Disability, Drug and Alcohol Services, Education (Early Childhood, Schools and Higher Education), Employment Services, Hospitality, Insurance, Local and State Government, Manufacturing, Medical, Mining and Resources, Non-Government Organisations and Peak Bodies, Retail, Small Business, Tertiary institutions, Tech Companies, Unions and Wine.

Tell us a bit about your business or organisation/role:

Mindseye Training and Consulting is a workplace mental health training and consulting provider offering integrated mental health solutions that create psychologically safe employees, confident managers, and high- performing teams.

Assisting workplaces to be at the forefront of building a healthy culture and become an employer of choice by investing in the mental fitness of their people. With programs upskilling individuals, teams, and managers to confidently handle mental health challenges as they arise, and consulting services to manage psychosocial risk in line with the new psychosocial regulations which affect every workplace.

A mission to empower workplaces to create a psychologically safe environment where people can thrive, while providing employees with tools, knowledge and confidence to be proactive and accountable for their mental health and wellbeing.

What region of South Australia are you in?:
Adelaide South

How can you best contact you:

Phone Number: 0422 376 966

Work Address: Suite 3809 3/55 Gawler Place ADELADE SA 5000

LinkedIn Profile: https://au.linkedin.com/in/rosie-bartlett-38419b54

Website: www.mindseyetraining.com.au Facebook Page: :https://www.facebook.com/mindseyetraining/

Let’s get to know you a little more:

What is a quote or mantra you live by?
The obstacle is the way.
‘The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way’ – Marcus Aurelius